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A member registered Nov 26, 2020

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This VN had NO RIGHT to make me go and cry like that dammit....but it did.

So thank you.

Hey, thanks for being so open about it, though.

I really enjoy what I am seeing so far, you've got some amazing talent in you and around you and I am ecstatic to see where it all goes

Yep, you are correct, I had just misread a few lines of dialogue so that's my bad on that one lol.

Could be that I misread something somewhere then, mentioned something about we as the MC having "breasts" at some point for me and then there was a conversation between myself and Vul that seemed to have insinuated heavily my character was female.

I'll keep on going through for right now and try to pick out any more solid evidence I can find

So is the game locking you into being a female only main character?

Or is there some way to change your gender?

Just asking if that was an option or not or if I missed something at the beginning?